Community of Danby, NY
This is not the Town of Danby web page! (Some info is easier to find here, though.)
Danby, NY Community : Danby Volunteer Fire Dep't • See also: http://danbyfiredept.org/ 2024-07-26 20:07:50.68

Bright yellow pumper at the Danby Fire Hall
Bright yellow pumper at the Danby Fire Hall
(Ted Crane)
In an emergency: call 9-1-1

Danby Fire Department Office and Contact Information
 •  Danby Fire Department, Danby, NY
1780 Danby Road
Ithaca, NY 14850 (US)
Telephone  •  607.272.8114
Day of WeekHours
7 days a week24 hours a day

Recent Notices
Summary Date Added
 Reflective House Numbers available thru the Fire Department 01-Jan-2009

The Danby Volunteer Fire Department has its business meeting once a month, at 7pm on the 2nd Monday of the month, in the Danby Fire Hall.

Visit its web site at [danbyfiredept.org/]. Its training calendar can be found at [danbyfiredept.org/calendar].

Requests for use of DVFC meeting room can be directed to [danbyfirestation@gmail.com].

Officers for 2022
Chief John Gaden
Ass't Chiefs Dan Saracino
Peter Goodman
Lieutenant Simon Wyatt
President Peter Goodman
Vice Pres. Roger Grant
Secretary Sharon Gaden
Treasurer Steve Hilsdorf
At-large Directors Amy Westmiller
Steve Hilsdorf

In an emergency: call 9-1-1

Upcoming Events, Friday, 26-Jul-2024 through Thursday, 26-Sep-2024
Date Time / Location Zoom Info (if known) Group / Title Details
Danby Fire Hall
  Danby Fire Department
Danby Fire Hall
  Danby Fire Department