Community of Danby, NY
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Danby, NY Community : Laws/Regs/Policies 2024-07-27 02:40:45.68

Laws of Danby
Law Number Date Passed Title and Summary
#1 of 2013 14-Jan-2013  Veterans' Tax Exemption
#4 of 2011 14-Nov-2011  Road Use and Preservation Law
#3 of 2011 12-Sep-2011  A Local Law Amending and Clarifying the Town of Danby Zoning Ordinance to Prohibit Gas and Petroleum Mining and Related Activities
#2 of 2011 04-Apr-2011  A Local Law Amending the Town of Danby Zoning Ordinance Related to Enforcement, Building Permits, Certificate of Occupancy, Temporary Certificate, Operating Permit, Planning Board, and Violations and Penalties
#1 of 2011 10-Jan-2011  Dog Licensing and Control Law
#3 of 2010 08-Feb-2010  Stormwater Amendments to Subdivision and Land Division Regulations
#2 of 2010 08-Feb-2010  Stormwater Amendments to Town of Danby Zoning Ordinance
#1 of 2010 08-Feb-2010  Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control Law
#3 of 2009 21-Sep-2009  Amending Subdivision and Land Division Regulations Related to the Classification of Land Divisions
#2 of 2009 08-Jun-2009  Related to the Right to Engage in Agricultural Activity in the Town of Danby
#1 of 2009 12-Jan-2009  Towing of Unlawfully Parked Vehicles
#2 of 2008 14-Jul-2008  Fees for Licensing of Dogs in the Town of Danby
#1 of 2008 14-Jul-2008  Emergency Towing of Vehicles
#4 of 2007 13-Aug-2007  Amending the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Danby by Reclassifying Certain Land Divisions and Subdivisions, Modifying Procedures Related to such Land Divisions and Subdivisions, and Incorporating Standards and Guidelines Set Forth in the State Environmental Conservation Review Act
#3 of 2007 09-Apr-2007  Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Danby to Establish Planned Development Zone 19 for "White Hawk Ecovillage".
#2 of 2007 12-Feb-2007  Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Danby Related to Permits to Build, Board of Appeals, and Planning Board
#1 of 2007 12-Feb-2007  Amending Local Law #3 of 1984, Providing for the Administration and Enforcement of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code
#3 of 2005 11-May-2005  Amending the Subdivision Regulations in the Town of Danby Regarding Administration, Notification Procedures, Subdivision Classification, Review and Approval Procedures, Clustered Subdivisions, Open Space Standards, Environmental Conservation, Street Improvements, Certification of Improvements, Submission Requirements and Definitions
#2 of 2005 11-May-2005  Amending the Zoning Map by Changing Certain Areas Classified Medium Density Residential Zone to Low Density Zone
#1 of 2005 11-May-2005  Amending the Zoning Ordinance Regarding the Number of Lots Allowed and Required Lot Area

Town Board Resolutions
Document Type Date / Number Description / Links
Resolution Number 03 of 2016 PDF filePDF
Resolution Number 06 of 2014 PDF filePDF | RTF fileRTF
Resolution Number 06 of 2014 PDF filePDF | RTF fileRTF
Resolution Number 06 of 2014 PDF filePDF | RTF fileRTF
More Resolution Documents (total of 27)

Documents and Forms
Date Size Title
10-Jun-2013 356 kB  Town of Danby Zoning Ordinance
11-Mar-2013 63 kB  Town of Danby Building Permit Instructions
14-Mar-2012 11 kB  Town of Danby Building Permit Application
03-Mar-2014 18 kB  Town of Danby Building Permit Fees
01-May-2013 45 kB  Town of Danby Ground Disturbance Application