Community of Danby, NY
This is not the Town of Danby web page! (Some info is easier to find here, though.)
Danby, NY Community : W.Danby Water Dist. 2024-07-27 04:09:45.67

No Recent Notices

This is a placeholder page, until more is known about the West Danby Water Comission.

West Danby Water Commissioners As of Date: 20240727
Position Name Tenure
Water Commissioner
(Appointed by Town Board, 5 year term)
George 'Skip' Fairchild 06-Jan-2020..31-Dec-2024
BEN_COAKLEY 04-Jan-2022..31-Dec-2026
  MARIE_MONROE 03-Jan-2023..31-Dec-2027

Water Outage Advice
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